Sunday, January 24, 2010

Please Just Get it Right!!

Alright, so I'm setting up this blog for class because sadly, it's a requirement. I'm told to just talk about anything. I'm just going to talk about a few things that are, right now, driving me nuts.
First of all can I just say that when you write a paper about yourself it is call an autobiography not biography. For a teacher who spent so much time on the first day of classes just to point out all the degrees you have, shouldn't this be an easy thing to establish? I really don't want to write about myself especially considering the fact that the grade is only pass/fail. How can you fail when writing a paper about yourself? Alright, so maybe there are the idiots who would use like some celebs life and call it their own but they are just too stupid to realize they should be the ones in McDonald's offering you fries. So back to my point, really she isn't going to even read these papers. She will just check to make sure you used the font that she wanted and have the right length and guess what? YOU PASSED! Would someone please tell me how this assignment is helping me with anything? I already know more than anyone else about myself so what is she going to do to improve upon that?
Secondly, does technology have to be so freakin' difficult? I bought this fancy laptop last year to help with school and I think I have spent more time in Best Buy getting it fixed than I have in all of my classes combined. I don't know what is making it crash, I don't know what you want me to do to fix this blue screen error, and no I don't know how to use you Mr. would you like to run so and so to fix the issue. Apparently though, neither does Geek Squad otherwise I wouldn't be ranting about this.
Well I suppose now that I have addressed two things driving me crazy and met my requirement for at least a few paragraphs I am done. On that note, I bid you goodnight and good luck!


  1. the autobiography/biography thing. i have things that annoy me to wit's end when people say them too! like "pin number." PIN = personal identification number. if you say pin number, you're really saying personal identification number number. same rule applies with "ATM machine." ATM = AUTOMATED TELLER MACHINE!and i know this has nothing really to do with your blong, but... i hardly stay on one subject for too long at all.

  2. I love this choice of topic, because we could all rant quite a while about what annoys us. However, as a teacher and past English teacher, I've got to say, writing about yourself can be one of the most powerful ways to discover yourself. (Okay, lame, I know.) If you ever want to chat/debate about this further, sign me up! :)

  3. I'm just glad to know that i'm not the only one who doesn't get computers!!!

  4. ^^^^ me to alicia..i need to get computer

  5. Yeah, I've never been a fan of writing papers, especially papers about myself. I'd much rather go to class and learn, you know, what you are actually going to class for. But, I guess papers, grades, etc. have to be in place as boundaries for the idiots that end up there trying to slip through life's struggles and end in success. On a postive note to writing papers, though, I feel like they have really stepped up my ability to analyze and argue a point as well as build my vocabulary. That's only in writing though, I still speak the same. Haha

  6. i happen to disagree, i think writing papers about yourself are the easiest and most interesting kind. writing a paper about myself will take me 10 minutes, writing a paper about a book on the other hand 10 hours! but still, writing papers is the worst.
